Installing the Driver


Touchscreen controllers must be configured for the driver prior to installation. Elo typically ships controllers in a default setup that is compatible with this driver. Controller requirements are:




There are many options to consider when installing the driver files. This section will explain the most common ways that the driver is installed. Consult Elo Applications Engineering for situations not covered in this section.

Setup from Windows Desktop

Single monitor, serial controller

This language is used for all Elo components in future on the system. To change the user language you must install the package again on the system. Default selection from the dropdown uses the current users input language from the Windows subsystem.



·         A list of all the serial ports that the system detected is shown. If you checked the auto-detect box in the previous screen, and your touchmonitor serial cable is attached to the computer, the COM port that you selected should be checked in the list. If this is the case, click Next and proceed to the next screen.

·         The COM port you selected will be shown in the window of this screen. This is your last opportunity to change your COM port selection before the driver files are installed. Use the Back button(s) to change any of the selections you previously made. Click Next to complete the installation of the driver files.

·         Depending on the revision of the driver you are installing, Windows may advise you that the "software you are installing has not passed Windows logo testing" . Select Continue Anyway to proceed with the installation. This message can be suppressed in future installations by changing the selection in Driver Signing Options. From the Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager>Driver Signing.

·         When the Setup Complete screen appears, you may choose to run calibration the (Elo Video Alignment program, EloVA) immediately or wait until later. If you choose not to run this program now, you can run it from the Elo Control Panel application. 


Single monitor, USB controller

1.      Run the self-extracting zip file to unzip the files, using the Run EloSetup option.

2.      EloSetup will launch. Select the language for the Universal driver package.

3.      Check the Install USB Touchscreen Drivers box.

4.      Review and accept the License Agreement.

5.      The driver files will install. When the Setup Complete screen appears, you may choose to run calibration (the Elo Video Alignment program, EloVA) immediately or wait until later. If you choose not to run this program now, you can run it from the Elo Control Panel application.

Multiple monitors, Serial controllers

  1. Follow the general procedure for Single monitor, serial controller installation above, auto detecting or selecting all the serial ports that you will use.
  2. The driver files will install. When the Setup Complete screen appears, you may choose to run calibration (the Elo Video Alignment program, EloVA) immediately or wait until later. If you choose not to run this program now, you can run it from the Elo Control Panel application. When EloVA runs for the first time, it will attempt to calibrate all controllers and/or serial ports that were installed. Press the Esc key on the keyboard to terminate or skip calibration for any monitor, or allow the program to time out (as indicated by the progress bar reaching maximum).

Multiple monitors, USB controllers

    1.      Follow the procedure for Single monitor, USB controller installation above.

  1. The driver files will install. When the Setup Complete screen appears, you may choose to run calibration (the Elo Video Alignment    program, EloVA) immediately or wait until later. If you choose not to run this program now, you can run it from the Elo Control Panel application. When EloVA runs for the first time, it will attempt to calibrate all controllers and/or serial ports that were installed. Press the Esc key on the keyboard to terminate or skip calibration for any monitor, or allow the program to time out (as indicated by the progress bar reaching maximum). The program will continue until all controllers and/or ports have been calibrated.

Multiple monitors, Serial and USB controllers

1.      Run the self-extracting zip file to unzip the files, using the Run EloSetup option.

2.      EloSetup will launch. Check both the "Install Serial Touchscreen Drivers" and "Install USB Touchscreen Drivers" boxes.

3.      Review and accept the License Agreement.

4.      The program will appear to proceed as a single/multiple serial controller installation but USB files will also install. The driver files will install. When the Setup Complete screen appears, you may choose to run calibration (the Elo Video Alignment program, EloVA) immediately or wait until later. If you choose not to run this program now, you can run it from the Elo Control Panel application. When EloVA runs for the first time, it will attempt to calibrate all controllers and/or serial ports that were installed. Press the Esc key on the keyboard to terminate or skip calibration for any monitor, or allow the program to time out (as indicated by the progress bar reaching maximum). The program will continue until all controllers and/or ports have been calibrated.

Silent Install and command line options

The EloSetup program may also be run as an attended or unattended program from a command line, batch file, etc. In addition, some features are only available through command line options.

To Silent install for USB controllers use
EloSetup /iu /s

To Silent install for a Serial controller on COM1 use
EloSetup /is /P:1 /s

/Precal: Enable PreCalibration, this allows the calibration data be stored in the touch monitors. Touch monitors with pre-calibration data can be transfered to a different computer without the need to recalibrate on the other computer. PreCalibration feature must be enabeled on the other computer in order for the driver to read the calibration from the Touch monitor. System reboot may be required in order to get the pre-calibrated monitors to work correctly. Only the 3-point calibration can be stored on the Touch monitor; The enhanced, 25-point calibration cannot be stored on the Touch monitor.

/Irpmoff: This feature applies to IR 4500 Serial only. By default (at installation), it is enabled. This option set the registry value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Elo Touchsystems\EnableIRPowerManagement to 0

/Reboot: With some types of serial ports, a reboot of the computer may be required to complete the driver installation. In some cases, the installation procedure can automatically detect this need and prompt for reboot. In other cases you may need to use this option to force the installation to reboot during serial driver install.

To view all the options available for this installation method, run EloSetup as EloSetup /h.



·         Adding Additional Serial Controllers

o        Run EloSetup.exe again to detect the new Com port.            

·         Adding Additional USB Controllers

Installing the APR Driver (For controller models 7000/7001) 

The APR driver automatically detects the appropriate controller for installation. APR only works:

1.      Run the self-extracting zip file to unzip the files.

2.      EloSetup will launch. Select the language.

3.      Review and accept the End User License Agreement. 

       When a new APR monitor is first installed on a PC, you may see the following dialog box while the driver is reading the information from the sensor. This process may take up to several minutes before touch begin to work.



      4.   The driver files will install. When the Setup Complete screen appears, click on Finish.

            Video alignment is not required in Single monitor configuration.


      5.   APR multi-monitor configuration require video alignment. Only one target will appear during the video alignment on  each monitor.


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